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I mean what does one put in stuff like this? I am a person that plays games, we do mainly love retro RPGs! Isometric for life. QUICK PSA: We often discuss mechanics and storytelling in old games and very often about the flaws in both it's all fun and games, we're trying to keep it funny
In no particular order...
DOOM + various wads
I have no mouth and I must scream
and maybe more...
Привет! I’m Thanatos, a death god from an alternate dimension living in a far distant dystopian future where the entire planet has been razed by a nuclear explosion.
Welcome! I'm your host, Daravos, and I'm happy you're joining me today. Just sharing my love of gaming, new and old. Mostly play RPG's, though I do occasionally play platformers as well. You'll see Final Fantasy, Guild Wars and other games here from time to time. I hope you enjoy!
DOOMDOOM IISTAR WARS X-wingSTAR WARS Tie FighterPrince of PersiaDUNE IIWarcraft II Tides of Darkness
Join us for bad jokes and good times as we play some great games!
The above 8 games will be put in a bracketed tournament and I will play each for an hour and then pick a winner that will move on to the next round.And on the final Saturday I will (try to) arrange a DOSember raid-train in which I will play:
Welcome to the Retro Rumble! Join me and the community in this laid-back bracketed tournament featuring classic video games from a single retro system. When I'm not streaming the Rumble, I'm playing randomizers and other retro games. Let's have some fun in the world of classic gaming!
Exploring retro gems and quality jank.
Italian Woman, Graphic Designer, Radio Speaker. Streams in English (games) and Italian (Just Chatting - Tech, Literature, Culture, Social Topics & more). Be the most welcome as long as you behave nicely so please keep the place tidy: do no swear, do not spam, be polite.
K&S è una community di appassionati, formatasi intorno a 3 streamer: Kappina, Stilgar, e il gatto Sirio. Ci occupiamo principalmente di retrogame e della scena indie ma la nostra programmazione include anche discussioni e tante risate. Solo cose belle. Stay K&S.
High Priority
Extras, in no particular order!
I am but a silly little fish fellow from 🇿🇦 South Africa ✨| Streaming daily at 4:30 PM GMT | Mostly plays indie and retro games | Will fully voice JRPGs - This is a threat | If you like long, daily streams...
bimeogame;s. That's what it's all about. Everyday streaming from a wholesome fella that wants you have a nice day.
Pour Up VTuber | I stream daily at 10 AM PST.
Just an average Canadian streamer here bringing a relaxing atmosphere, so enjoy a bowl and take in the content. You'll find a lot of retro games here with a mix of some more modern Stuff. #HorrorFan #ScifiFan #ComicFan #RetroFan *-----* Buisness Email - [email protected]
FluffyQuack's streaming channel. My youtube channel is:
In a wheel of Dosember we will have the following games:
We will spin the wheel to pick next game after the previous is completed.
Keskinkertainen pelaaja, keskinkertaisilla jutuilla. Mediocre player with even more mediocre jokes.FIN/Poor english
Earthsiege 2
Wing Commander: Privateer
Privateer 2
Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries
Interstate 76
I am the Mnemonicman. Mech enthusiast and occasional virtual homesteader. Loved the old DOS and Win9X games. But if I can run a Linux native game I will try.
Welcome to my channel! I'm a Finnish streamer but I mainly speak or at least try to speak English on stream. I enjoy talking and laughing with people. I stream all kinds of games, but my favourite games are MS-DOS Retrogames, especially Doom 1993!
Cozy Chill Artist that also dabbles in Variety!
Hey, sono Nora! Sono una streamer con una vera passione per i survival horror e per i cosplay! Accomodati sul mio grande divano videoludico e non fare caso al fatto che qui tutto è a tema Resident Evil!
I'm your friendly neighborhood streamer SpiderMwa and welcome to my Twitch channel, where I play all kinds of games, mostly retro, sometimes new. My schedule is every day except Friday, starting at 5 PM EET (3 PM GMT, 10 AM EST, 7 AM PST)
Crusaader: No Remorse
Battletech: Crescemt Hawk's Inception (Never played!)
X-com (Open X-com)
Syndicate: American Revolt (Chirithy Inc returns!)
Crazy Pink Lizard Lady. Streaming Mostly (but not exclusively classic/retro games. Serial Moderator. Communicates via text, or text to voice. No mic, but makes it work.
*May not complete
[One-Hour Stream: playing one hour of each un-played game I own] [Extra-Streams: are full playthroughs of games I like] [NEWSHOW: Each week a different guest host and I look at News & New Releases] [I also organized community events like Save&Raid, Dosember, and The Quad_LAN a streamed LAN party]